CSS/ Scss Guidelines

An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable (S)CSS for Kognifai apps.

Syntax & Formatting

In order to keep stylesheets neat, readable, maintainable and scalable, it’s important that development is done according to conventions and rules that are agreed upon.

At a very high-level, we want:

  • SCSS-syntax
  • four (4) spaces indents, no tabs;
  • write US English.
  • ideally, 80-characters wide lines;
  • properly written multi-line CSS rules;
  • meaningful use of whitespace. Use space after selector and property colon.

The specifics are somewhat irrelevant - consistency is key

// Yep

// I am a long-form comment. I describe, in detail, the CSS that follows. I am
// such a long comment that I easily break the 80 character limit, so I am
// broken across several lines.

.foo {
    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0 1em;

// Nope

//I am a long-form comment. I describe, in detail, the CSS that follows. I am more than 80 characters wide, and I don't break. This makes me hard to read.

  display: block;overflow: hidden;

  padding: 0 1em;


Believe it or not, strings play quite a large role in both CSS and Sass ecosystems. Most CSS values are either lengths or strings (usually unquoted), so it actually is quite crucial to stick to some guidelines when dealing with strings in Sass.


To avoid any potential issue with character encoding, it is highly recommended to force UTF-8 encoding in the main stylesheet using the @charset directive. Make sure it is the very first element of the stylesheet and there is no character of any kind before it.

@charset 'utf-8';


Sass does not require strings to be quoted(e.g. 'abc' equals abc). But for better concistency with other languages, it’s recommended to to use single quotes (‘). Besides this, there are some other benefits:

  • color names are treated as colors when unquoted, which can lead to serious issues.
  • most syntax highlighter choke on unquoted strings
  • it helps general readability
  • there is no valid reason not to quote strings
// Yep
$direction: 'left';

// Nope
$direction: left;

Naming Conventions

We use the BEM naming convention as a foundation and to ensure strict and rational control of naming things. In addition to a strict BEM convention, we use our own namespace as a class-prefix. As a last ingredient, we offer a range of utility-classes that can be used and combined in directly in your HTML.


Namespacing in Sass is very useful for scoping project-specific styles and avoiding conflicts, e.g. with third party plugins og modules.

  • Every selector, placeholder, mixin and function in the project should be namespaced
  • Namespace should be kx followed by the dash suffix -, like this: kx-
// Selector
.kx-myclass {

// Placeholder
%kx-myplaceholder {

Block (Identifiers)

Each block has a CSS class that identifies it. Examples of such classes include:

  • kx-btn
  • kx-icon

The convention for block is .[namespace]-[block].

Element (Children)

An element is a part of a block and have no standalone meaning. Any element is semantically tied to its block. This helps us keep the specificity low since we are less dependent of using nested selectors. An elements relationship to its parent block is described in the elements classname itself.

The convention for element is .[namespace]-[block]__[element].

  • kx-btn__text
  • kx-btn__icon

Modifiers (Variation)

Each block (or element) can have a few variations in terms of form/shape. Modifier-classes are meant used in addition to the identifier, and several modifier-classes can be added to the same block or element.

The convention for modifiers is .[namespace]-[block]--[modifier].

  • kx-btn--primary
  • kx-icon--user

Try to write your identifiers and modifiers in a way that makes modifiers “add” properties to the base identifier, instead of overriding or resetting properties. Modifiers should be written below the base styles in your partials.

// Styling for button "base". All buttons shares padding
.kx-btn {
    padding: 12px;

// Styling for button "primary". This modifier sets background to red
.kx-btn--primary {
    background: red;

// Styling for button "secondary". This modifier sets background to blue
.kx-btn--secondary {
    background: blue;


An element can change “state”. In reality, these states are also modifiers, but are often applied to elements in combination with JS. A classic toggle for an “active” state is a good example of a change of state.

The convention for states is .[namespace]-[is|has]-[statename].

States are usually closely connected to its base element, but some states contains properties that can be used on any element at a global level. This is why states does not include the [identifiername] in the classname, just the namespace and the [statename], devided by -is- or -has-. Here are some examples of global states:

  • .kx-is-hidden
  • .kx-is-open
  • .kx-has-children
  • .kx-has-loaded

These states are truly global. E.g .kx-is-hidden hides whatever element it’s applied to. The styling of global states should always be at the bottom of the final CSS-file, hence put global states as “helpers” or “utilities” at the bottom of your main .scss-file. This way, they will override initial styles for a base element.

In HTML, the DOM would look something like this:

<span class="kx-myelement kx-is-hidden">I'm invisible</span>

In the partial for _myelement.scss, we just include the basic styling for this element.

// _myelement.scss

.kx-myelement {
    display: block;

And in the partial for global helpers (imported last in the CSS), we have the global styling for .kx-is-hidden:

// _helpers.scss

.kx-is-hidden {
    display: none;
    visibility: hidden;

This way, the .kx-is-hidden overwrites the initial display: block; of .kx-myelement.

Other states can be more contextual and should be used in conjunction with the base class for the actual element:

  • .kx-is-closed
  • .kx-is-disabled
  • .kx-is-loading

Since the actual look of these states can vary significantly between each element they’re applied to, these states should be placed at the bottom of the partial in question (scoped):

.kx-myelement {
    // Default styling of myelement

    &.kx-is-loading {
        // Styling for the loading state of myelement

In HTML, the DOM would look something like this:

<span class="kx-myelement kx-is-loading">Loading...</span>


Well commented code is extremely important. Take time to describe components, how they work, their limitations, and the way they are constructed. Don’t leave others in the team guessing as to the purpose of uncommon or non-obvious code.

Please use Sass-comments instead of CSS-comments. Comments are meant to help developers understand the codebase, and should not really be a part of the compiled CSS. Using Sass-comments starting with // instead of /* will make them invisible in the finished stylesheet.

// ==========================================================================
// Section comment block
// ==========================================================================

// Sub-section comment block
// ==========================================================================

// Short description using Doxygen-style comment format
// The first sentence of the long description starts here and continues on this
// line for a while finally concluding here at the end of this paragraph.
// The long description is ideal for more detailed explanations and
// documentation. It can include example HTML, URLs, or any other information
// that is deemed necessary or useful.
// @tag This is a tag named 'tag'
// TODO: This is a todo statement that describes an atomic task to be completed
//       at a later date. It wraps after 80 characters and following lines are
//       indented by 7 spaces.

// Basic comment


IDs in Sass/ CSS

If we want to keep specificity low, which we do, we have one really quick-win, simple, easy-to-follow rule that we can employ to help us: avoid using IDs in CSS.

Not only are IDs inherently non-reusable, they are also vastly more specific than any other selector, and therefore become specificity anomalies. Where the rest of your selectors are relatively low specificity, your ID-based selectors are, comparatively, much, much higher.

N.B. It is still perfectly okay to use IDs in HTML and JavaScript (as identifiers and hooks); it is only in CSS that they prove troublesome.


To keep specificity low, try to avoid nesting in your Sass-files. The concept of nesting in Sass is very clever, and it easy to try to map the HTML DOM-structure in your Sass - just because you can. But the output often result in compiled CSS with selectors that are long and over specific. Try keeping your nesting level as shallow as possible.

// YEP
.kx-mydiv {}
.kx-mydiv__child {}
.kx-mydiv__grandchild {...}

.kx-mydiv {
    .kx-mydiv__child {
        .kx-mydiv__grandchild {

Compiled CSS:

// YEP output with specificity = 1:
.kx-mydiv__grandchild {...}

// NOPE output with specificity = 3:
.kx-mydiv .kx-mydiv__child .kx-mydiv__grandchild {...}

Test your selectors with the tool Specificity Calculator to check specificity.

Avoid using !important

It’s only ok on helpers and utility styles you absolutely know will trump previous styles.

Avoid styling elements by tagname

It will come back to haunt you. It’s better to create a class. In some cases of course, e.g. for setting base typographic styles, it’s hard to avoid it. But keep it tro a minimum, and make comments.

Classes as hooks for CSS

it’s important to keep the coupling between the actual HTML DOM-structure and the CSS as loose as possible. We often see developers referencing the actual HTML-tags in their CSS. The reasons are mostly related to keeping the HTML as clean as possible:

… I don’t want clutter my clean and semantic HTML with presentational classes. This goes against the separation of concern between HTML and CSS. — Frustrated developer

But the drawback is that the coupling between HTML and CSS is very tight.

body > header:first-of-type > nav > ul > li > a > span {

What happens if we need to swap one tag for another because it gives more semantic value, e.g. replace the <span> with the new <time>-element? We have to rewrite our CSS.

Using classes as styling hooks is better to keep the coupling looser. The class .time can be applied to either <span class="kx-time"> or <time class="kx-time"></time> without touching the CSS.

NB Semantics in HTML is meant for machines. This makes computers able to understand the meaning of the HTML document. Adding presentational classes in HTML does not add or subtract semantic value seen from a computers point of view. But from a human perspective (yes, developers are human too…), these classes can add semantic value in the context of how something is presented: <button class="kx-btn--large">Click me!</button>.

Classes as hooks for JS

We often need to select elements in the DOM with JS. Instead of referencing classes used for styling, it’s often better to use dedicated classes as hooks for this purpose.

The convention for JS-hooks .[namespace]-js-[hookname].

<div class="kx-mydiv kx--is-closed">
<button class="kx-btn kx-btn--large kx-js-mydiv-toggle">Say hello!</button>

In short, this example shows a closed div and a button. Presentational styling can be something like this:

.kx-mydiv {
    display: block;

    &.kx-is-closed {
        display: none;

.kx-btn--large {
    padding: 42px;

Instead of referencing the styled class kx-btn--large in your JS, use the class kx-js-mydiv-toggle as your hook:

$('.kx-js-mydiv-toggle').on('click', function () {



Try to keep configuration within the global /01-config-folder. This includes design-tokens, variables, sass-maps and other sass-settings for the whole project.

Shame file

There is an interesting concept that has been made popular by Harry Roberts, Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier that consists of putting all the CSS declarations, hacks and things we are not proud of in a shame file. This file, dramatically titled _shame.scss, would be imported after any other file, at the very end of the stylesheet.

 * Nav specificity fix.
 * Someone used an ID in the header code (`#header a {}`) which trumps the
 * nav selectors (`.site-nav a {}`). Use !important to override it until I
 * have time to refactor the header stuff.
.site-nav a {
    color: #BADA55 !important;

We all know that, no matter how hard we may try, sometimes we do need to use quick fixes, hacks and questionable techniques in our code. It happens, whether we like to admit it or not.

The real problem, though, is that we rarely go back and tidy these things up. They slip through the cracks, get ignored, go unnoticed, and stay for good. This we do not have to do.

The idea of shame.scss is that you have a totally new file reserved just for your hacky code. The code you have to write to get the release out on time, but the code that makes you ashamed.

  1. If it’s a hack, it goes in shame.scss.
  2. Document all hacks fully:
    1. What part of the codebase does it relate to?
    2. Why was this needed?
    3. How does this fix it?
    4. How might you fix it properly, given more time?
  3. Do not blame the developer; if they explained why they had to do it then their reasons are probably (hopefully) valid.
  4. Try and clean shame.scss up when you have some down time.
    1. Even better, get a tech-debt story in which you can dedicate actual sprint time to it.

For more info please visit: shame.css.

Responsive Web Design and Breakpoints

Naming Breakpoints

Media queries should not be tied to specific devices. For instance, it’s definitely a bad idea to try targeting iPads or Blackberry phones specifically.

For the same reasons, breakpoints should not be named after devices but something more general. Especially since some phones are now bigger than tablets, some tablets bigger than some tiny screen computers, and so on…

In this project, we use a Sass library called Sass MQ to handle our media queries. The different breakpoints are defined in the main _conf_mq.scss-file.

Please see this page for further documentation on media queries.

Media Queries Usage

Not so long ago, there was quite a hot debate about where media queries should be written: do they belong within selectors (as Sass allows it) or strictly dissociated from them? Keeping them within the selector plays well with the ideas of “components” and modularity.

.foo {
    color: red;

    @include mq($from: tab-s) {
        color: blue;

Leading to the following CSS output:

.foo {
    color: red;

@media (min-width: 321px) {
    .foo {
        color: blue;

You might hear that this convention results in duplicated media queries in the CSS output. That is definitely true. Although, tests have shown it doesn’t matter once Gzip (or any equivalent) has done its thing:

… we hashed out whether there were performance implications of combining vs scattering Media Queries and came to the conclusion that the difference, while ugly, is minimal at worst, essentially non-existent at best. — Sam Richards


Color variables

When using a color more than once, store it in a variable with a meaningful name representing the color.

$color-sass-pink: #c69;

Now you are free to use this variable wherever you want. However, if your usage is strongly tied to a theme, I would advise against using the variable as is. Instead, store it in another variable with a name explaining how it should be used.

$color-main-theme: $color-sass-pink;

Doing this would prevent a theme change leading to something like $color-sass-pink: blue.


The @extend directive has to be one of the features that made Sass so popular a couple of years ago. As a reminder, it makes it possible to tell Sass to style an element A exactly as though it also matched selector B. Needless to say this can end up being a valuable ally when writing modular CSS.

However I feel like I must warn you against this feature. As clever as it is, @extend still is a tricky concept that might do more harm than good, especially when poorly used. The thing is, when extending a selector, you have little to no way to answer these questions without having an in-depth knowledge of the whole codebase:

  • where is my current selector going to be appended?
  • am I likely to be causing undesired side-effects?
  • how large is the CSS generated by this single extend?

For all you know, the result could range from doing nothing to causing disastrous side-effects. Because of this, it’s adviced to avoid the @extend directive altogether. It might sound brutal, but at the end of the day it can save you some headaches and troubles.

There are scenarios where extending selectors might be helpful and worthwhile . Yet, always keep in mind those rules so you don’t get yourself into trouble:

  • Use extend from within a module, not across different modules.
  • Use extend on placeholders exclusively, not on actual selectors.
  • Make sure the placeholder you extend is present as little as possible in the stylesheet.

If you are going to use extend, let me also remind you that it does not play well with @media blocks. As you may know, Sass is unable to extend an outer selector from within a media query. When doing so, the compiler simply crashes, telling you that you cannot do such a thing. Not great. Especially since media queries are almost all we do know.

To sum up, It’s strongly advised against using the @extend directive.


Mixins are one of the most used features from the whole Sass language. They are the key to reusability and DRY components. And for good reason: mixins allow authors to define styles that can be reused throughout the stylesheet without needing to resort to non-semantic classes such as .float-left.

Still, the keyword is simplicity. Don’t over-engineer or over think your mixins. If a mixin ends up being longer than 20 lines or so, then it should be either split into smaller chunks or completely revised.

The main rule of thumb is to limit the use of mixins without arguments, but in some cases, like the micro-clearfix hackfrom Nicolas Gallagher, an argument mixin is your weapon of choice.