<!-- BUTTON Component -->
<button class="kx-btn kx-btn--skin-link kx-btn--size-large kx-is-processing">
<span class="kx-btn__inner">
<i class="kx-icon kx-icon--size-base kx-process">
<svg class="kx-process__spinner" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<circle class="path" cx="25" cy="25" r="20" fill="none" stroke-width="6"></circle>
<span class="kx-btn__txt">Please wait</span>
{%- if href -%}
<!-- LINK AS BUTTON Component -->
<a class="kx-btn{% if skin %} kx-btn--skin-{{ skin }}{% endif %}{% if size %} kx-btn--size-{{ size }}{% endif %}{% if fluid %} kx-btn--fluid{% endif %}{% if icon %}{% if hideText==true %} kx-btn--icon{% endif %}{% endif %}{% for class in classes %} {{ class }}{% endfor %}{% if active %} kx-is-active{% endif %}{% if state %} kx-is-{{ state }}{% if hideText==true %} kx-btn--icon{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if disabled %} kx-is-disabled{% endif %}"{% if disabled %} tabindex="-1"{% endif %}{% for data_attr in data %} data-{{ data_attr }}{% endfor %} href="{{ href }}"{% if ariaLabelledBy %} aria-labelledby="{{ ariaLabelledBy }}"{% endif %}{% if hideText %} aria-label="{{ text }}"{% endif%}>
<span class="kx-btn__inner">
{%- if icon %}
{% if iconAfter -%}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{% render '@icon', icon, true %}
{%- else -%}
{% render '@icon', icon, true %}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- elseif state=='processing' %}
{% render '@process', process, true %}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{%- else %}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{%- endif %}
{%- else -%}
<!-- BUTTON Component -->
<button class="kx-btn{% if skin %} kx-btn--skin-{{ skin }}{% endif %}{% if size %} kx-btn--size-{{ size }}{% endif %}{% if fluid %} kx-btn--fluid{% endif %}{% if icon %}{% if hideText==true %} kx-btn--icon{% endif %}{% endif %}{% for class in classes %} {{ class }}{% endfor %}{% if active %} kx-is-active{% endif %}{% if state %} kx-is-{{ state }}{% if hideText==true %} kx-btn--icon{% endif %}{% endif %}"{% for data_attr in data %} data-{{ data_attr }}{% endfor %}{{ 'disabled="disabled"' if disabled }}{% if ariaLabelledBy %} aria-labelledby="{{ ariaLabelledBy }}"{% endif %}{% if hideText %} aria-label="{{ text }}"{% endif%}>
<span class="kx-btn__inner">
{%- if icon %}
{% if iconAfter -%}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{% render '@icon', icon, true %}
{%- else -%}
{%- render '@icon', icon, true %}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{%- endif %}
{%- elseif state=='processing' %}
{% render '@process', process, true %}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{%- else %}
<span class="kx-btn__txt{% if hideText %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ text }}</span>
{%- endif %}
{%- endif -%}
"href": null,
"text": "Please wait",
"classes": null,
"state": "processing",
"icon": null,
"iconAfter": null,
"hideText": null,
"disabled": null,
"active": null,
"skin": "link",
"size": "large",
"data": null,
"ariaLabelledBy": null,
"process": {
"size": "base"
// ========================================================================== // Component: button // ========================================================================== $border-radius-btn: $radius-global; // Elements (children) // ========================================================================== .kx-btn__txt { color: inherit; white-space: nowrap; } // Fix for http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35464067/flexbox-not-working-on-button-element-in-some-browsers .kx-btn__inner { @include flex; @include align-items-center; @include justify-content-center; flex: 1 1 auto; width: 100%; } // Block (parent) // ========================================================================== .kx-btn { @include inline-flex; @include align-items-center; transition: all $duration-instant ease-in-out; position: relative; width: fit-content; border: 0; color: inherit; .kx-icon, .kx-btn__txt { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .kx-icon { + .kx-btn__txt { @include ml(mini); } } .kx-btn__txt:not(.kx-is-vishidden) { + .kx-icon { @include ml(mini); } } &:focus, &.kx-is-focus { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 rem-calc(2) currentColor; outline: 0; } &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { z-index: 1; box-shadow: none; } &:not(.kx-btn--skin-link) { &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { cursor: pointer; } } &:hover, &:active, &.kx-is-hover, &.kx-is-active { box-shadow: none; } &:disabled, &.kx-is-disabled { cursor: not-allowed !important; } &.kx-is-processing { .kx-process { .path { stroke: currentColor; } } } } // If button is an <a>-tag, we remove text-decoration a.kx-btn { text-decoration: none; } // Modifiers // ========================================================================== // Width .kx-btn--fluid { flex: 1 1 auto; width: 100%; } // Size .kx-btn--size-tiny { @include type-scale(tiny); @include p(nano, mini, nano, mini); &.kx-btn--icon { &:not(.kx-btn--skin-link) { // 14px x 14px .kx-icon--size-tiny { margin: rem-calc(6); } // 16px x 16px .kx-icon--size-small { margin: rem-calc(5); } // 18px x 18px .kx-icon--size-base { margin: rem-calc(3); } // 24px x 24px .kx-icon--size-moderate { margin: rem-calc(0); } } &.kx-btn--skin-link { // 14px x 14px .kx-icon--size-tiny { margin: rem-calc(5 0); } // 16px x 16px .kx-icon--size-small { margin: rem-calc(4 0); } // 18px x 18px .kx-icon--size-base { margin: rem-calc(3 0); } // 24px x 24px .kx-icon--size-moderate { margin: rem-calc(0 0); } } } } .kx-btn--size-base { @include type-scale(small); @include px(small); padding-top: rem-calc(6); padding-bottom: rem-calc(6); &.kx-btn--icon { &:not(.kx-btn--skin-link) { // 14px x 14px .kx-icon--size-tiny { margin: rem-calc(10); } // 16px x 16px .kx-icon--size-small { margin: rem-calc(9); } // 18px x 18px .kx-icon--size-base { margin: rem-calc(7); } // 24px x 24px .kx-icon--size-moderate { margin: rem-calc(4); } } &.kx-btn--skin-link { // 14px x 14px .kx-icon--size-tiny { margin: rem-calc(9 0); } // 16px x 16px .kx-icon--size-small { margin: rem-calc(16 0); } // 18px x 18px .kx-icon--size-base { margin: rem-calc(7 0); } // 24px x 24px .kx-icon--size-moderate { margin: rem-calc(4 0); } } } } .kx-btn--size-large { @include type-scale(base); @include px(moderate, moderate); padding-top: rem-calc(10); padding-bottom: rem-calc(10); &.kx-btn--icon { &:not(.kx-btn--skin-link) { // 14px x 14px .kx-icon--size-tiny { margin: rem-calc(16); } // 16px x 16px .kx-icon--size-small { margin: rem-calc(15); } // 18px x 18px .kx-icon--size-base { margin: rem-calc(13); } // 24px x 24px .kx-icon--size-moderate { margin: rem-calc(10); } } &.kx-btn--skin-link { // 14px x 14px .kx-icon--size-tiny { margin: rem-calc(15 0); } // 16px x 16px .kx-icon--size-small { margin: rem-calc(14 0); } // 18px x 18px .kx-icon--size-base { margin: rem-calc(13 0); } // 24px x 24px .kx-icon--size-moderate { margin: rem-calc(10 0); } } } } // Skin .kx-btn--skin-primary { background-color: $color-btn-primary-bg; color: $color-btn-primary-txt; &:focus, &.kx-is-focus { background-color: $color-btn-primary-bg-focus; color: $color-btn-primary-txt-focus; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 rem-calc(2) $color-btn-primary-border-focus; } &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { background-color: $color-btn-primary-bg-hover; color: $color-btn-primary-txt-hover; box-shadow: none; } &:active, &.kx-is-active { background-color: $color-btn-primary-bg-active; color: $color-btn-primary-txt-active; outline: 0; } &:disabled, &.kx-is-disabled { background-color: $color-btn-primary-bg-disabled; color: $color-btn-primary-txt-disabled; opacity: 100; } } .kx-btn--skin-secondary { background-color: $color-btn-secondary-bg; color: $color-btn-secondary-txt; box-shadow: 0 0 0 rem-calc(1) $color-btn-secondary-border inset; &:focus, &.kx-is-focus { background-color: $color-btn-secondary-bg-focus; color: $color-btn-secondary-txt-focus; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 rem-calc(2) $color-btn-secondary-border-focus; } &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { background-color: $color-btn-secondary-bg-hover; color: $color-btn-secondary-txt-hover; box-shadow: 0 0 0 rem-calc(1) $color-btn-secondary-border inset, rem-calc(0 1 4 0) $color-shadow-base; } &:active, &.kx-is-active { background-color: $color-btn-secondary-bg-active; color: $color-btn-secondary-txt-active; box-shadow: 0 0 0 rem-calc(1) $color-btn-secondary-border inset; outline: 0; } &:disabled, &.kx-is-disabled { background-color: $color-btn-secondary-bg-disabled; color: $color-btn-secondary-txt-disabled; box-shadow: 0 0 0 rem-calc(1) $color-btn-secondary-border-disabled inset; opacity: 100; } &.kx-is-selected { background-color: $color-btn-secondary-bg-selected; color: $color-btn-secondary-txt-selected; box-shadow: none; } } .kx-btn--skin-flat { @include type-weight(bold); text-transform: uppercase; background-color: $color-btn-flat-bg; color: $color-btn-flat-txt; &:focus, &.kx-is-focus { background-color: $color-btn-flat-bg-focus; color: $color-btn-flat-txt-focus; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 rem-calc(2) $color-btn-flat-border-focus; } &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { background-color: $color-btn-flat-bg-hover; color: $color-btn-flat-txt-hover; box-shadow: none; } &:active, &.kx-is-active { background-color: $color-btn-flat-bg-active; color: $color-btn-flat-txt-active; outline: 0; } &:disabled, &.kx-is-disabled { background-color: $color-btn-flat-bg-disabled; color: $color-btn-flat-txt-disabled; opacity: 100; } } .kx-btn--skin-primary, .kx-btn--skin-secondary { @include type-weight(bold); border-radius: rem-calc($border-radius-btn); } .kx-btn--skin-link { background-color: $color-btn-link-bg; color: $color-btn-link-txt; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; .kx-btn__txt { text-decoration: underline; color: inherit; } &:focus, &.kx-is-focus { background-color: $color-btn-link-bg-focus; color: $color-btn-link-txt-focus; box-shadow: none; .kx-btn__txt { @include px(tiny); margin-left: rem-calc(-4); margin-right: rem-calc(-4); outline: none; color: $color-link-txt-focus; background-color: $color-link-bg-focus; } } .kx-btn__txt { &:hover { text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 0; color: $color-link-txt-hover; background: none; } } &:active, &.kx-is-active { background-color: $color-btn-link-bg-active; color: $color-btn-link-txt-active; } &:disabled, &.kx-is-disabled { background-color: $color-btn-link-bg; color: rgba($color-btn-link-txt, 0.3); .kx-btn__txt { &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { @include text-underline(currentColor, currentColor); cursor: not-allowed; } } } } .kx-btn--icon { // Reset padding on button to compensate for margins on actual icon padding: 0; } input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit] { &.kx-btn--skin-link { text-decoration: underline; } &:hover, &.kx-is-hover { text-decoration: none; } }
- URL: /components/raw/button/_button.scss
- Filesystem Path: src\components\01-button\_button.scss
- Size: 10.9 KB
- Handle: @button--btn-loading-link
- Variants (25): Element: Button as link , Element: Link as button , Skin: Primary , Skin: Secondary , Skin: Flat , Skin: Link , Size: Tiny , Size: Base , Size: Large , Disabled: Primary , Disabled: Secondary , Disabled: Flat , Disabled: Link , Active: Primary , Active: Secondary , Active: Flat , Active: Link , State: Processing Primary , State: Processing Secondary , State: Processing Flat , State: Processing Link , Icon: Before text , Icon: After text , Icon: Hidden text , Fluid button spans 100%
- Preview:
- Filesystem Path: src\components\01-button\button.njk
- References (2): @icon, @process
Please see the guidelines for Buttons for more info.