<!-- LEGEND Component -->
<legend class="kx-legend">This is a Legend</legend>
<!-- LEGEND Component -->
{% if renderAsLabel -%}
<legend class="kx-label{% if underline %} kx-legend--underline{% endif %}{% for class in classes %} {{ class }}{% endfor %}{% if hideLegend %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ legendText }}</legend>
{% else -%}
<legend class="kx-legend{% if underline %} kx-legend--underline{% endif %}{% for class in classes %} {{ class }}{% endfor %}{% if hideLegend %} kx-is-vishidden{% endif %}">{{ legendText }}</legend>
{% endif -%}
"classes": null,
"legendText": "This is a Legend",
"renderAsLabel": null,
"underline": null,
"hideLegend": null
// ========================================================================== // Component: legend // ========================================================================== // Elements (children) // ========================================================================== // Block (parent) // ========================================================================== .kx-legend { @include type-scale(medium); @include type-weight(extra-bold); @include type-family(base); @include mb(base); display: block; width: 100%; } // Modifiers // ========================================================================== .kx-legend--underline { border-bottom: rem-calc(1) solid $color-legend-border; width: 100%; }
- URL: /components/raw/legend/_legend.scss
- Filesystem Path: src\components\01-form\legend\_legend.scss
- Size: 776 Bytes
- Handle: @legend--default
- Variants (5): Default , With underline , As label , As label and underline , Is hidden
- Preview:
- Filesystem Path: src\components\01-form\legend\legend.njk
- Referenced by (3): @fieldset, @fieldset--fieldset-b, @fieldset--fieldset-c
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