
Want to contribute to the design system? Setting it up for local development is quite easy. Just follow the instructions below.

Getting started

First, make sure you have Node.js installed, and that node is available via terminal/cmd (command prompt).

  1. Clone or download this repository to your machine.
  2. Add a .npmrc file to the root of the repository. This file should contain details about authentication towards the jFrog Artifactory (used for publishing).
  3. Open a terminal/cmd, and navigate to the root of this project.
  4. Run npm install. NPM will then download and install all dependencies into node_modules. This may take a while, so grab a coffee ☺
  5. After installing, type gulp dev to start the dev-server and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Gulp tasks overview

The most important tasks are:

  • gulp compile compiles source files.
  • gulp start compiles source files and starts the local server on port 3000.
  • gulp build compiles source files and builds a static version of the app to the folder /www.
  • gulp dev compiles source files, starts the local server on port 3000, and watches for changes in the sourcecode. Changes are reloaded live in the browser.
  • gulp publish bumps version number and publishes package to registry defined by "publishConfig": in package.json.

For other available tasks, please have a look at the gulpfile.js.

Fractal config

In fractal.js, you’ll find the configuration for the fractal instance. This is used by gulp when it runs fractal-based tasks.

Git Flow

We use Git Flow as our branching strategy. This gives us exellent command line help and output. In addition we can recommend Sourcetree, an exellent gui client for git, with full Git Flow support.

Git Flow gives you great control over branches for master, develop, features, release, hotfixes and more. Please read the git flow cheatcheet for more details.